Company: Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP) Govt. of Uttarakhand
Phone- +91-135-2643894;
Telefax - +91-135-2643895

Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Recruitment 2015

Urgent Recruitment Drive on Deputation/Contractual Basis

Uttarakhand Urban sector Development Investment Program (UUSDIP) is committed to develop infrastructure facilities like Water

Supply, Sewerage, Solid Waste Management and implement utilities, reforms in Urban Towns in Uttarakhand. The funds are being
Uttarakhand Urban jobs 2015
provided by Asian Development Bank and are being executed with the support of Consultants having international experience, thus

offering an opportunity to work on challenging Externally Aided Projects. Applications are invited for the following vacant/ likely to fall

vacant posts at PMU, Dehradun and various PIUs on Deputation/Contractual basis.

Senior Project Manager
Environment Engineer
Executive Engineer
Project Manager
Urban Governance

Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Recruitment 2015 

Terms and Conditions:-
(1)The initial appointment will be made for a period of 01 year which can be extended by 01 year at a time based
on performance and the competent authority reserves the right to withdraw the aforesaid advertisement/posts without issuing any
prior notice.

(2). Above positions are time bound and co-terminus with the Project and the engagement under this does not confer any
right/claim whatsoever either explicitly or implicitly for any regular appointment in UUSDIP.

(3)Applicants working in Government and
wish to come on deputation/contractual basis shall apply along with relevant documents only in prescribed format. Advance application
can be made through e-mail immediately.

(4) No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview.

(5) Interested candidates may apply
with CV and relevant documents.

(6) All deputation allowances are applicable for selected candidates. For application form and terms &
conditions, please visit our website

Last date of receipt of applications is 03.06.2015

(ADB Assisted Program)New ISBT Complex, Haridwar By Pass, Majra, Dehradun- 248171

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