Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015 Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy
Company: Punjab National BankNumber of Vacancies: 53 Specialist Officer Posts
- Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015
- Punjab National Bank Manager Recruitment 2015
- PNB India Job Openings
- How to Apply for Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015
Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015 Notification Specialist Officer Manager Vacancy. Check job openings at careers pnbindia.in apply online exam pattern exam date
Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015
Punjab National Bank recruitment 2015 Notification was published by an advertisement for filling of Specialist Officer & Manager Vacancy. PNB Recruitment 2015 advert has been notified under the discretion of assistant GM of HR department of the PNB bank. Are you looking careers in PNB can utilize latest jobs in PNB by the bank web portal at pnbindia.in,Apply Online links will be made available from 31 March 2015 from them one can apply until 16th April 2015. lot of bank jobs in India apart from these PNB Jobs.
PNB India Job Openings 2015
PNB India is one of the largest government bank in India with over 6000 Branches in more than 700 cities, the bank issued Punjab National Bank Officer recruitment 2015 advert for 53 Manager, fire officers, Specialist Officer Positions in India. Shortlisted will be place in the middle management & junior management level, selection process for these jobs will be through the online exam which was scheduled to be conducted on 29th May 2015 for exam pattern one can refer notification at pnbindia.in.Punjab National Bank Manager Recruitment 2015
The exam pattern comprise of reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, & Professional Knowledge where 50 questions from each subject will be asked carrying 200 Marks under the time duration of 2 hours. Exam Centers are tentatively like Ahmedabad, Bhubaneswar, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati,Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jammu, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kolkata, Mumbai and PatnaSelection Process: Candidates will be selected based on their merit in online test and personal interview
Fees: INR. 400/- has to be paid towards application processing where as INR. 50 has to be paid by SC/ST category candidates
Imp. Dates:
Online Registration starts from 31st March 2015 and ends on 16th April 2015
How to Apply for Punjab National Bank Recruitment 2015:
- Candidates can log on to the official website in
- Do Find link for online registration
- Do Fill the application as prescribed
- Do Submit filled in application with in the last date.