UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2015

Applicant who have applied for UKPSC lecturer recruitment 2015 free download the UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2015 at along with all model papers. you can download the UKPSC Lecture Exam pattern 2015 and syllabus from the below. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has issued a notification for eligible candidate for the 1213 vacancies of lecturer posts of various subjects. too many candidates have applied for this & now everybody are looking for UKPSC Lecturer Recruitment 2015 syllabus and Exam pattern. but The Government of  Uttarakhand has published notification for the recruitment of lecturers at official website. UKPSC lecturer Exam pattern & Syllabus 2015 are also available with that official notification. Lot of candidates has applied for UKPSC.
UKPSC Lecturer Recruitment 2015 syllabus

UKPSC Lecturer exam pattern 2015:

There are 1213 vacancies of lecturer posts are government jobs in uttarakhand the field of education & many candidates who have a first dream to serve the society & govt job in the teaching line has applied for this UKPSC recruitment 2015. So, finally we expect tough competition for the said recruitment's. should be first know the UKPSC Lecture Syllabus 2015 & exam pattern & practice the UKPSC Lecturer model papers. By testing the UKPSC Lecturer exam pattern 2015, get the clear idea about the examination only at

Lecturer Exam pattern in UKPSC 2015:

Now, UKPSC is going to conduct the examination for candidates for lecturer posts. Applicant who have qualified in written test are only is eligible for the interview. Merit list of candidates who qualified in both examination & interview can get the lecturer post of various subjects like English, Physics, Math and Chemistry etc. Now this time to start your preparation from now onwards with help of correct pattern & UKPSC Lecturer syllabus 2015. please do start Practice the Previous year papers of the UKPSC lecturer exam to get best score in the examination.

UKPSC Lecturer Exam pattern & Syllabus 2015

UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2015 Uttarakhand Public Service commission
Posts: Lecturer
Location: Uttarakhand

Total : 1213 posts

UKPSC Lecturer Exam Pattern 2015

written examination will be 150 marks with 150 questions. examination will be Objective Type. examination paper consists of 5 sections i.e general Studies, General Hindi,Teaching aptitude, Knowledge of Uttarakhand state,& General Intelligence Test .

Section -I
Subject General Studies
Marks: 50

Section –II
Subject: Knowledge of Uttarakhand state
Marks: 20

Section –III
Subject: Teaching Aptitude
Questions: 40
Marks: 40

Section –IV
Subject: General Intelligence Test
Questions: 25

Section -V
General Hindi

Total: 150 questions & 150 Marks

UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2015 complete UKPSC lecturer recruitment 2015 syllabus is also available on official notification.Download the syllabus in pdf.

Click here to Download UKPSC Lecturer Exam pattern & Syllabus 2015

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