You Can Check Your GATE 2013 Result here :
Goooooooooooooooooooood News for everyone!
GATE 2013 Result is available at IIT Bombay official website This is the link we actually used for apply GATE 2013. We do not know the actual reason why because the result of GATE 2013 exam come early. Usually the result is come March 15th of every year. After seeing the result many of get surprise and some of you get shock. Please share your experiences here in the comment section. This time answer keys provided by many gate coaching institutes are having many check your GATE results here.
GATE 2013 Qualifying Marks:
A candidate is considered qualified if the marks secured is greater than or equal to the qualifying mark mentioned for the category for which a valid Category Certificate, if applicable, is produced along with the original scorecard. GATE 2013 qualifying mark for EC and CS candidates are as follows.
GATE 2013 EC Qualifying Mark on 100
General 25.0
OBC (NCL) 21.0
SC/ST/PD 16.67
Number of candidates appeared in GATE CS paper: 224160
Number of candidates appeared in GATE EC paper: 256135
Goooooooooooooooooooood News for everyone!
GATE 2013 Result is available at IIT Bombay official website This is the link we actually used for apply GATE 2013. We do not know the actual reason why because the result of GATE 2013 exam come early. Usually the result is come March 15th of every year. After seeing the result many of get surprise and some of you get shock. Please share your experiences here in the comment section. This time answer keys provided by many gate coaching institutes are having many check your GATE results here.
GATE 2013 Qualifying Marks:
A candidate is considered qualified if the marks secured is greater than or equal to the qualifying mark mentioned for the category for which a valid Category Certificate, if applicable, is produced along with the original scorecard. GATE 2013 qualifying mark for EC and CS candidates are as follows.
GATE 2013 EC Qualifying Mark on 100
General 25.0
OBC (NCL) 21.0
SC/ST/PD 16.67
Number of candidates appeared in GATE CS paper: 224160
Number of candidates appeared in GATE EC paper: 256135
GATE 2013 Score Card:
GATE 2013 Scorecards will be mailed only to candidates who have marks above the Qualifying Mark for OBC (NCL) category for this paper, and to all qualified SC/ST/PD category candidates.
For admission related matters, please consult the specific Institute’s Website.
GATE 2013 Score and Validity:
GATE 2013 Scores have been computed by two different formulae, each having a validity period of one year. The Score computed with the old formula, valid till 14 March 2014, should be used to compare with the Scores obtained in GATE 2012, and the Score computed with the new formula, valid till 14 March 2015 must be used to compare with Scores of GATE 2014.
GATE 2013 Scorecards will be mailed only to candidates who have marks above the Qualifying Mark for OBC (NCL) category for this paper, and to all qualified SC/ST/PD category candidates.
For admission related matters, please consult the specific Institute’s Website.
GATE 2013 Score and Validity:
GATE 2013 Scores have been computed by two different formulae, each having a validity period of one year. The Score computed with the old formula, valid till 14 March 2014, should be used to compare with the Scores obtained in GATE 2012, and the Score computed with the new formula, valid till 14 March 2015 must be used to compare with Scores of GATE 2014.